Перегляд публікацій авторів ДБТУ в Scopus, WoS за роками

Перелік публікацій науково-педагогічних працівників ДБТУ за 2019 р. у журналах, які індексуються у Scopus або Web of Science

(станом на 12.12.2024 р.)

Автор(и) Назва роботи назва видання Том, номер (випуск), перша-остання сторінки роботи, веб-посилання, в яких базах індексована У яких базах індексується
1 Petrov A. N.
Pavliuchenkov Mykhailo
Nanka Alexander Vladimirovich
Paliy Andrey
Construction of an algorithm for the selection of rigid stors in steel concrete beams Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2019, Vol. 1, Issue 7-97, P. 41-49.
DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2019.155469
2 Ol'Shanskii V.P.
Spol’nik O. I.
Slipchenko Maksym
Znaidiuk Vasyl
Modeling the elastic impact of a body with a special point at its surface Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2019, Vol. 1, Issue 7-97, P. 25-32.
DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2019.155854
3 Скобло Тамара Семеновна
Сидашенко Александр Иванович
Гаркуша І. Е.
Таран В. С.
Муратов Р. М.
Мальцев Т. В.
Оптико-математический анализ моделирования структуризации упрочненных поверхностей поршневых колец при эксплуатации Metallofizika i Noveishie Tekhnologii 2019, Vol. 41, Issue 3, С. 349-362.
DOI: 10.15407/mfint.41.03.0349
4 Taran A.
Garkusha I.
Taran V.
Timochenko A.
Misiruk I.
Starikov V.
Baturin A.
Skoblo Т. S.
Romaniuk S.
Mamalis A. Q.
Nanostructured ZrO2 ceramic PVD coatings on Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets Nanotechnology Perceptions 2019, Vol. 15, Issue 1, P. 13-20.
DOI: 10.4024/N23TA18A.ntp.15.01
5 Lyashenko G.
Kravchenko Polina
Polyanova N.
Zotova O.
Polyashenko Sergey
Determination of parameters of influence of electromagnetic radiation on stimulation of the immune system of animals Asia Life Sciences 2019, Issu 1, P. 1-10. Scopus
6 Savchenko Оleksandr
Miroshnyk Oleksandr
Diubko Stanislav
Justification of ice melting power on 10 kV overhead power lines Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 2019, Vol. 17, Issue 2, P. 106-113.
DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v17i2.2912
Web of Science,Scopus
7 Kolisnyk M.
Kharchenko V.
Piskachova Iryna
IoT Server Availability Considering DDoS-attacks: Analysis of Prevention Methods and Markov Model 10th International Conference on Dependable Systems, Services and Technologies, DESSERT 2019 2019, P. 51-56.
DOI: 10.1109/DESSERT.2019.8770012
Scopus,Web of Science
8 Sepulveda-Valdez C. A.
Sergiyenko O.
Hernández-Balbuena D.
Tyrsa Vera V.
Mercorelli Paolo
Flores-Fuentes Wendy
Reyez-Garcia Miguel
Lindner L.
Melnik Viktor
Circular Scanning Resolution Improvement by its Velocity Close Loop Control IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics 2019-June 2019, P. 244-249.
DOI: 10.1109/ISIE.2019.8781135
9 Poliarus O.
Poliakov Y.
Sergiyenko O.
Tyrsa Vera
Hernandez W.
Nechitailo J.
Azimuth estimation of landmarks by mobile autonomous robots using one scanning antenna IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, June, 2019 2019, P. 1682-1687.
DOI: 10.1109/ISIE.2019.8781118
Scopus,Web of Science
10 Chukurna Оlena
Nitsenko Vitalii S.
Kralya Viktoriya
Sahachko Yuliia
Morkūnas Mangirdas
Volkov Artiom
Modelling and Managing the Effect of Transferring the Dynamics of Exchange Rates on Prices of Machine-Building Enterprises in Ukraine Polish Journal of Management Studies 2019, Vol. 19, Issue 1, P. 117-129.
DOI: 10.17512/pjms.2019.19.1.09
Scopus,Web of Science
11 Kuznetsov A.
Kavun S.
Smirnov O.
Babenko V.
Nakisko O.
Kuznetsova K.
Malware Correlation Monitoring in Computer Networks of Promising Smart Grids 6th International Conference on Energy Smart Systems Proceedings, Kyiv, April 17-19, 2019 2019, P. 347-352.
DOI: 10.1109/ESS.2019.8764228
Scopus,Web of Science
12 Halkin A.
Bliumska-Danko K.
Smigunova O.
Dudnyk O.
Balandina I. S.
Investigation Influence of Store Type on Emotional State of Consumer in the Urban Purchase Foundations of Management 2019, Vol. 11, Issue 1, P. 7-22.
DOI: 10.2478/fman-2019-0001
Scopus,Web of Science
13 Nanka Alexander Vladimirovich
Kharchenko Sergei
Sementsov V. I.
Sementsov V. V.
Abduyev Mahomed Medzhydovych
Intensification of the process of dosing bulk concentrated feeds by sieve hopper Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2019, Vol. 2, Issue 1-98, P. 14-20.
DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2019.161410
14 Kozachenko Оleksiy
Pakhuchyi A.
Shkregal Olexander
Dyakonov S.
Bleznyuk Oleg
Kadenko Volodymyr
Results of numerical modeling of the process of harvesting the seeds of flax by a harvester of the stripping type Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2019, Vol. 3, Issue 1-99, P. 66-74.
DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2019.169664
15 Dzyuba O.
Dzyuba A.
Polyakov A.
Volokh Vadim
Antoshchenkov Roman
Mihailov Anatolii Dmytrovych
Studying the influence of structural-mode parameters on energy efficiency of the plough PLN-3-35 Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2019, Vol. 3, Issue 1-99, P. 55-65.
DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2019.169903
16 Shulyak Mikhail Leonidovich
Klets D.
Kalinin Yevgen
Kholodov A.
Selecting a rational operation mode of mobile power unit using measuring and control complex CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2019, Vol. 2387, P. 141-151. Scopus
17 Shibaeva N. V.
Baban T.
Prokhorova V.
Karlova O.
Girzheva O.
Krutko M.
Methodological bases of estimating the efficiency of organizational and economic mechanism of regulatory policy in agriculture Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management 2019, Vol. 5, Issue Special, P. 160-171.
DOI: 10.22034/gjesm.2019.SI.18
Scopus,Web of Science
18 Mashtalir S.
Mikhnova O.
Stolbovyi M.
Multidimensional sequence clustering with adaptive iterative dynamic time warping International Journal of Computing 2019, Vol. 18, Issue 1, P. 53-59. Scopus
19 Krasnobayev V. A.
Kuznetsov A. A.
Koshman S. A.
Moroz Sergey
Improved method of determining the alternative set of numbers in residue number system Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 2019, P. 319-328.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-97885-7_31
20 Paliy Andrey
Sumakova N.
Petrov R.
Shkromada Oksana
Ulko Larisa
Paliy Anatoliy
Contamination of urbanized territories with eggs of helmiths of animals Biosystems Diversity 2019, Vol. 27, Issue 2, P. 118-124.
DOI: 10.15421/011916
Scopus,Web of Science
21 Shramenko Natalya
Shramenko V. О.
Optimization of technological specifications and methodology of estimating the efficiency of the bulk cargoes delivery process Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu 2019, № 3, P. 146-151.
DOI: 10.29202/nvngu/2019-3/15
22 Komada P.
Miroshnyk Oleksandr
Lysychenko Roman
Shchur T.
The influence of the specifications of the elements of range of exciters voltage inverters on their spectral characteristics [Analiza schematu strukturalnego wzbudnicy system reflektometrycznego] Przeglad Elektrotechniczny 2019, Vol. 95, Issue 5, P. 83-87.
DOI: 10.15199/48.2019.05.21
Scopus,Web of Science
23 Liashenko A.
Barkovskaya O.
Al-Atroshi C.
Datsok O.
Liashenko Serhii
Model of the work of the neurocontroller to control fuzzy data from the sensors of the climate control subsystem “smart house” International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering 2019, Vol. 8, Issue 1, P. 70-74.
DOI: 10.30534/ijatcse/2019/1281.22019
24 Yeromina Nataliia
Shapa Liudmyla
Ahmed Ahmed Najat
Budko A.
Liashenko Serhii
Optional expansion of the automated fare collection system in public transportation International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering 2019, Vol. 8, Issue 1, P. 142-147.
DOI: 10.30534/ijatcse/2019/2481.22019
25 Gutsol T. D.
Cherenkov Aleksandr
Avrunin Oleg Grigorovitsh
Semenets V. V.
Analysis of high-power narrowband interference suppression system in radiometric receiver Telecommunications and Radio Engineering (English translation of Elektrosvyaz and Radiotekhnika) 2019, Vol. 78, Issue 3 , P. 251-260.
DOI: 10.1615/telecomradeng.v78.i3.50
26 Danko Y.
Halynska A.
Plotnytska S.
Kornietskiy O.
Boblovsky O.
Kvyatko T.
Competitiveness and price policy of Ukrainian agrarian enterprises for the production of organic products Espacios 2019, Vol. 40, Issue 3, P. 168-181 Scopus
27 Pusik L.
Pusik Vlаdimir
Vlasovets Vitaliy
Gaevaya Ludmila
Rozhkov Arthur
Lyubymova N.
Safronska I.
Romanashenko Oleksandr
Kryshtop Y.
Gryn E.
Studying the loss of mass by cauliflower depending on agrobiological factors, varietal features, and package technique Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2019, Vol. 2, Issue 11-98, P. 22-31.
DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2019.162072
28 Shkromada O.
Skliar O.
Paliy Andrey
Ulko L.
Gerun I.
Naumenko Oleksandr
Ishchenko Katerina
Kysterna O.
Musiienko O.
Paliy A.
Development of measures to improve milk quality and safety during production Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2019, Vol. 3, Issue 11-99, P. 30-39.
DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2019.168762
29 Faiier O.
Arefieva O.
Miahkyk I.
Babko Natalya
Kuskova Svitlana
Khloponina-Gnatenko Olga
Risk management in the sphere of state economic security provision using professional liability insurance Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management 2019, Vol. 5, Special Issue, P. 51-60.
DOI: 10.22034/gjesm.2019.SI.06
Scopus,Web of Science
30 Babenko Vitalina Alekseevna
Perevozova Iryna
Mandych Oleksandra
Kvyatko T.
Maliy Olena
Mykolenko I.
World informatization in conditions of international globalization: Factors of influence Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management 2019, Vol. 5, Special Issue, P. 172-179.
DOI: 10.22034/gjesm.2019.SI.19
Scopus,Web of Science
31 Danylchuk H.
Chebanova N.
Reznik N.
Vitkovskyy Yuriy
Modeling of investment attractiveness of countries using entropy analysis of regional stock markets Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management 2019, Vol. 5, Special Issue, P. 227-235.
DOI: 10.22034/gjesm.2019.SI.25
Web of Science,Scopus
32 Pusik L.
Pusik Vlаdimir
Lyubymova N.
Bondarenko Veronika
Rozhov Artur
Sergienko O.
Denisenko Sergei
Kononenko L.
Preservation of parsnip root vegetable depending on the degree of ripeness, varietal features and storage techniques Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2019, Vol. 1, Issue 11-97, P. 34-41.
DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2019.155313
33 Babenko Vitalina Alekseevna
Lomovskykh L.
Oriekhova Alvina
Korchynska Liubov
Krutko Margaryta
Koniaieva Yelizaveta
Features of methods and models in risk management of IT projects Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences 2019, Vol. 7, Issue 2, P. 629-636.
DOI: 10.21533/pen.v7i2.558
34 Taran A. V.
Garkusha I. E.
Taran V. S.
Muratov R. M.
Skoblo Tamara
Romaniuk Svitlana
Starikov V. V.
Baturin A. A.
Synthesis and characterisation of nanocrystalline zrn pvd coatings on aisi 430 stainless steel Problems of Atomic Science and Technology 2019, Vol. 119, Issue 1, P. 243-247. Scopus,Web of Science
35 Skoblo Tamara
Romaniuk Svitlana
Sidashenko Alexandr
Taran V. S.
Taran A. V.
Dorozhko I. I.
Pilgui N. N.
Complex evaluation of structural state degree of strengthening nanocoatings Problems of atomic science and technology. Series: Plasma Physics 2019, Vol. 119, Issue 1, P. 225-228. Scopus,Web of Science
36 Taran A. V.
Garkusha I. E.
Taran V. S.
Timoshenko O. I.
Misiruk I. O.
Skoblo Tamara
Romaniuk Svitlana
Starikov V. V.
Baturin A. A.
Nikolaychuk G. P.
Pyvovar N. V.
Gnidenko Yu. P.
Anti-corrosion ceramic coatings on the surface of nd-fe-b repelling magnets Problems of atomic science and technology. Series: Plasma Physics 2019, Vol. 119, Issue 1, P. 116-119. Scopus,Web of Science
37 Yevdokimova Maria
Zamlynskyi Victor
Minakova S. M.
Biriuk Olena
Ilina Olena Vasilevna
Evolution of corporate social responsibility applied to the concept of sustainable development Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues 2019, Vol. 8, P. 473-480.
DOI: 10.9770/jssi.2019.8.3(14)
38 Cherenkov Aleksandr
Kosulina Natalia
Zlepko S. M.
Chernyshova T. A.
Shpakova N. A.
Omiotek Zbigniew
Kalimoldayev Maksat N.
Diagnostics of early human tumours in microwave with UHF-sensing Information Technology in Medical Diagnostics II 2019, P. 111-117.
DOI: 10.1201/9780429057618-14
39 Bogomolova K.
Plotnytska S.
Arutiunian R.
Berezhna Yu.
Formation and effecient development of biogas production in the agricultural sector Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice 2019, Vol. 1, № 28, P. 216-224 Web of Science
40 Ishchenko Katerina
Paliy Anatoliy
Kis Victor
Petrov R.
Nagorna L.
Dolbanosova R.
Paliy Andrey
Investigation of microclimate parameters for the content of toxic gases in poultry houses during air treatment in the scrubber with the use of various fillers Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 2019, Vol. 9, Issue 2, P. 74-80. Web of Science
41 Kalinin Yevgen
Shulyak Mikhail Leonidovich
Kolesnik Ivan
Optimization of machnery operation modes from the point of view of their dynamics Current Problems of Transport 2019, P. 211–222.
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3387612
Web of Science
42 Shramenko Natalya
Pavlenko O.
Muzylyov Dmitriy
Information and Communication Technology: Case of Using Petri Nets for Grain Delivery simulation at Logistics System CEUR Work-shop Proceedings 2019, Vol. 2353, P. 935-949. Scopus
43 Kutsyk Petro
Koryagin Maksym
Chik Mariya
Kuskova Svitlana
Development of evaluation the market value of the enterprise in system of accounting and analytical support Independent journal of management & production (Special Edition PDATU) 2019, Vol. 10, Issue 7, P. 623-644.
DOI: 10.14807/ijmp.v10i7.910
Web of Science
44 Tarelnyk V.
Konoplianchenko I.
Tarelnyk N.
Kozachenko Оleksiy
Modeling technological parameters for producing combined electrospark deposition coatings Materials Science Forum 2019, Vol. 968 MSF, P. 131-142.
DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.968.131
45 Onegina Viktoriya
Husiatynskei Mykola
Nemchenko Valerii
Mayorova Tetiana
Bohrinovtseva Lyudmila
Sedikov Denys
Informational Support of Cash Flow Managemen Process in Public Administration International Journal of Innovation Technology and Exploring Engineering 2019, Vol. 8, Issue 11, P. 2836-2841 Scopus
46 Potyshniak O.
Dobuliak L.
Filippov V.
Malakhovskyi Y.
Lozova O.
Assessment of the Effectiveness of the Strategic Management System of Investment Activities of Companies Academy of Strategic Management Journal 2019, Vol. 18, Issue 4, P. 1-5. Scopus
47 Drobyazko S.
Potyshniak O.
Radionova N.
Paranytsia S.
Nehoda Y.
Security of organizational changes via operational integration: Ensuring methodology Journal of Security and Sustainability Issue 2019, Vol. 9, Issue 1, P. 91-105.
DOI: 10.9770/jssi.2019.9.1(8)
48 Olshanska O. V.
Gumennykova Tamara
Bila Olena
Orel V.
Perova Svitlana
Ivannikova Maryna
Building a Competency Model Student Trainingv International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJEAT) 2019, Vol. 8, Issue 6, P. 2689-2695.
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.F8758.088619
49 Vlasenko Tetiana
Hatsko Anatolii
Larina Tetiana
Hryn Yu.
Streimikiene D.
Balezentis T.
Fuzzy Evaluation of Change Management Processes in the Context of Enterprise Sustainability Sustainability 2019, Vol. 11, № 22, P. 6310.
DOI: 10.3390/su11226310
Scopus,Web of Science
50 Ryzhikova N.
Malyarets L.
Babenko V.
Nazarenko O.
The Modeling of Multi-criteria Assessment Activity in Enterprise Management International Journal of Supply Chain Management (IJSCM) 2019, Vol. 8, Issue 4, P. 997-1004 Scopus
51 Kuznetsov A.
Kiian A.
Smirnov O.
Zamula A.
Rudenko Serhii
Hryhorenko V.
Variance Analysis of Networks Traffic for Intrusion Detection in Smart Grids Energy smart systems 2019, P. 353-358.
DOI: 10.1109/ESS.2019.8764195
Scopus,Web of Science
52 Megel Y.
Kalimanova I.
Lysychenko M.
Rybalka A.
Kovalenko Sergii V.
Kovalenko S.
Assessment of the effectiveness of laser-acoustic transformation Metrology and Metrology Assurance 2019,
DOI: 10.1109/MMA.2019.8935996
53 Levkin A.
Levkina R.
Petrenko A.
Chaly I.
Economic Security as a Result of Modern Biotechnology Implementation Problems of Infocommunications Science and Technology, PIC S and T 2019 2019, P. 139-142.
DOI: 10.1109/PICST47496.2019.9061533
54 Chalaya Olga
Nanka Alexander Vladimirovich
Paliy Andrey
Nagornij Sergey
Chaliy Oleksandr Ivanovich
Study of quality indicators for meat raw materials and the effectiveness of a protective technological method under conditions of different content of heavy metals in a pig diet Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2019, Vol. 4, Issue 11-100, P. 74-81.
DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2019.174154
55 Zhukova Lubov
Stankevych Sergey
Turenko Volodymyr
Bezpal'ko Valentyna
Zabrodina Inna
Bondarenko Svetlana
Poedinceva А.
Golovan L.
Klymenko I.
Melenti V.
Root rots of spring barley, their harmfulness and the basic effective protection measures Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 2019, Vol. 9, Issue 2, P. 232-238. Web of Science
56 Bezpal'ko Valentyna
Zhukova Lubov
Stankevych Sergey
Ogurtsov Yu.
Klymenko I.
Hutians'kyi R.
Fesenko Alla
Turenko Volodymyr
Zabrodina Inna
Bondarenko Svetlana
Batova O.
Golovan L.
Klymenko I.
Poedinceva A.
Melenti V.
Ecologically safe methods for presowing treatment of cereal seeds Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 2019, Vol. 9, № 3, P. 189-197. Web of Science
57 Bulgakov V.
Ivanovs S.
Adamchuk V.
Antoshchenkov Roman
Investigations of the Dynamics of a Four-Element Machine-and-Tractor Aggregate Acta Technologica Agriculturae 2019, Vol. 22, Issue 4, P. 146-151.
DOI: 10.2478/ata-2019-0026
Web of Science,Scopus
58 Kolomiyec Volodіmir
Antoshchenkov Roman
Ridnyi Ruslan
Bogdanovich Sergey
Fabrichnikova I.
Optimization of the Process of Machining of Inhomogeneous Built-Up Parts of Tractors Materials Science 2019, Vol. 55, Issue 1, P. 52-62.
DOI: 10.1007/s11003-019-00251-w
59 Shigimaga Victor
Conductometry in pulsed electric field with rising strength: Bioelectrochemical applications Analytical and Bioanalytical Electrochemistry 2019, Vol. 11, Issue 5, P. 598-609. Scopus,Web of Science
60 Megel Yuiry
Shigimaga Victor
Mikhnova Olena
Blagov I.
Refraction Measurements and Modeling of the Content of Water When Estimating the Quality of Muscular Animal Tissue Metrology and Metrology Assurance 2019,
DOI: 10.1109/MMA.2019.8936010
61 Paliy Andrey
Pilipenko Svetlana
Lukyanov Igor
Zub O. V.
Dombrovska Alla
Zagumenna Katya
Kovalchuk Y. O.
Ihnatieva Tetiana
Ishchenko Katerina
Paliy Anatoliy
Orobchenko O. L.
Research of techniques of microclimate improvement in poultry houses Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 2019, Vol. 9, Issue 3, P. 41-51. Web of Science
62 Yaroshenko O. M.
Moskalenko Olena V.
Velychko L. Yu.
Kovryhin Volodymyr
Property civil law liability and material liability of employees for damage caused to an employer: on the basis of civil law of Ukraine Asia Life Sciences 2019, Issue 2, P. 735-748. Scopus
63 Paliy Andrey
Naumenko Oleksandr
Shkromada O. I.
Tarasenko L. A.
Rodionova K. A.
Nechyporenko O. L.
Nechyporenko V. V.
Ulko L. Y.
Ishchenko Katerina
Prudnikov V. G.
Paliy A. P.
Berezovskiy A. V.
Investigation of the microclimate of poultry houses and chemical composition of poultry litter, depending on the time of its accumulation in the cage batteries Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 2019, Vol. 9, Issue 3, P. 272-279. Web of Science
64 Palii Anatoliy
Nanka Alexander Vladimirovich
Naumenko Oleksandr
Prudnikov V. G.
Paliy Andrey
Preconditions for eco-friendly milk production on the modern dairy complexes Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 2019, Vol. 9, Issue 1, P. 56-62. Web of Science
65 Tsarenko T. M.
Ukhovskyi V. V.
Korniienko L. E.
Sakhniuk N. M.
Kassich V. U.
Paliy Andrey
Genotyping method (MLVA) of pathogenic leptospires for monitoring their distribution in ecosystems Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 2019, Vol. 9, Issue 1, P. 81-85. Web of Science
66 Berezenko K. S.
Paliy Andrey
Chuhaiev S. V.
Shkromada O. I.
Yatsenko Ivan
The influence of environmental factors on the structure and formation of inflorescences of the representatives of the genera Matthiola W.T. Aiton, Hesperis L., Lunaria L. and Lobularia Desv. of the Brassicaceae Burnett family under conditions of natural and artificial biocenoses Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 2019, Vol. 9, Issue 1, P. 144-152. Web of Science
67 Chechui Helena
Yarovyi Hryhorii
Paliy Andrey
Chuhaiev S.
Koliada V.
Koliada Olha
Influence of selenium on enzymes of nitrogen metabolism and the phenolic compounds in garlic under oxidative stress Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 2019, Vol. 9, Issue 2, P. 68-73. Web of Science
68 Paliy Andrey
Holovatiuk A. A.
Pushka O. S.
Pushka I. M.
Oliadnichuk R. V.
Kravchenko V. V.
Voitik A. V.
Biotechnical aspects of the feeding heifer full-purpose courses of different granulometric composition Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 2019, Vol. 9, Issue 2, P. 81-90. Web of Science
69 Shkromada O.
Paliy Andrey
Nechyporenko O. L.
Naumenko Oleksandr
Nechyporenko V. V.
Burlaka О.
Reshetnichenko A.
Tsereniuk Oleksandr
Shvets O.
Paliy Anatoliy
Improvement of functional performance of concrete in livestock buildings through the use of complex admixtures Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2019, Vol. 5, Issue 6-101, P. 14-23.
DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2019.179177
70 Pertsevoy F. V.
Gurskiy Petro
Kondrashyna L. A.
Shilman L. Z.
Melnyk O. U.
Fedak Natalia
Omel’chenko Svetlana
Kis Victor
Lukyanov Igor
Mityashkina Tatiana
Determining the effect of formulation components on the physical-chemical processes in a semifinished flour whipped product under programmed changes in temperature Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2019, Vol. 6, P. 49-56.
DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2019.186557
71 Miroshnyk Oleksandr
Lukasik Zbigniew
Szafraniec Andrzej
Lezhniuk Petro
Kovalyshyn Stepan
Shchur Taras
Reducing the dissymmetry of load currents in electrical networks 0,4/0,23 kV using artificial neural networks Przegląd Elektrotechniczny 2019, Vol. 95, Issue 11, P. 245-249.
DOI: 10.15199/48.2019.11.56
Scopus,Web of Science
72 Kovalenko Mykola
Marenych Татьяна Григорьевна
Nakisko Oleksandr
Sikalo M. V.
Improvement of state influence on financial and credit support for development of grain market of Ukraine Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice 2019, Vol. 1, Issue 28, P. 362-372. Web of Science
73 Kuksa Ihor
Hnatenko Iryna
Orlova-Kurilova Olga
Moisyeyeva Nataliya
Rubezhanska Viktoriia
State regulation of innovative employment in the context of innovative entrepreneurship development Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development 2019, Vol. 41, Issue 2, P. 228-236.
DOI: 10.15544/mts.2019.19
Web of Science
74 Lazurenko O. P.
Moroz Oleksandr
Tymchuk Sergiy
Miroshnyk Oleksandr
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