Перелік публікацій науково-педагогічних працівників ДБТУ за 2014 р. у журналах, які індексуються у Scopus або Web of Science
(станом на 10.02.2025 р.)
№ | Автор(и) | Назва роботи | назва видання | Том, номер (випуск), перша-остання сторінки роботи, веб-посилання, в яких базах індексована | У яких базах індексується |
1 | Grabar Natalia Sokolovskaya T. | The Information Culture and the Development of Personal Information Requirements | Scientificand Technical Information Processing | 2014, Vol. 41, № 2, P. 73-80 DOI: https://doi.org/10.3103/S0147688214020038 | Web of Science |
2 | Romanenko N. Nazarenko M. Kornienko V. Samura B. Pakhomova O. | Synthesis and Physicochemical and Biological Properties of 8-Amino-Substituted 7-(2-Aryl-2-Oxoethyl)Xanthines | PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY JOURNAL | 2014, Vol. 48, Issue 8, P. 509-512. DOI: 10.1007/s11094-014-1142-3 | Web of Science |
3 | Shurduk Inna Serik M. Antonenko Svitlana Fedak Natalia | Effect of protein and mineral additive on consumer characteristics of meat emulsion products | Ukrainian Food Journal | 2014, Vol. 3, № 4, P. 524-533 | Web of Science |
4 | Bakirov M. Golovko Mykola Serik M. Golovko Tetiana | Content iodine in sauces of type emulsion | Ukrainian Food Journal | 2014, № 3(4), P. 243-249 | Web of Science |
5 | Golovko Mykola Serik M. Golovko Tetiana Polupan V. | Micro structural characteristics of minced meat products from use of protein-mineral additive | Ukrainian food journal | 2014, Vol. 3, № 2, P. 236-242 | Web of Science |
6 | Khomenko Olga | Passionate Friendship: the aesthetics of girls' culture in Japan | Womens History Review | 2014, Vol. 23, Issue 1, P. 153-155. DOI: 10.1080/09612025.2013.803771 | Web of Science |
7 | Lorincz Peter Lakatos Zsolt Maruzs Tamas Szatmari Zsuzsanna Kis Viktor Sass Miklos | Atg6/UVRAG/Vps34-Containing Lipid Kinase Complex Is Required for Receptor Downregulation through Endolysosomal Degradation and Epithelial Polarity during Drosophila Wing Developmentd | Biomed Research International | 2014, Vol. 2014 DOI: 10.1155/2014/851349 | Web of Science |
8 | Szatmari Zsuzsanna Kis Viktor Lippai Monika Hegedus Krisztina Farago Tamas Lorincz Peter Tanaka Tsubasa Juhasz Gabor Sass Miklos | Rab11 facilitates cross-talk between autophagy and endosomal pathway through regulation of Hook localization | Molecular Biology of the Cell | 2014, Vol. 25, Issue 4, P. 522-531. DOI: 10.1091/mbc.E13-10-0574 | Web of Science |
9 | Kovacs Gabor G. Breydo Leonid Green Ryan Kis Viktor Puska Gina Loerincz Peter Perju-Dumbrava Laura Giera Regin Pirker Walter Lutz Mirjam Lachmann Ingolf Budka Herbert Uversky Vladimir N. Molnar Kinga Laszlo Lajos | Intracellular processing of disease-associated alpha-synuclein in the human brain suggests prion-like cell-to-cell spread | Neurobiology of Disease | 2014, Vol. 69, P. 76-92. DOI: 10.1016/j.nbd.2014.05.020 | Web of Science |
10 | Kolupaev Yu. E. Vayner A. A. Yastreb T. O. Oboznyi A. I. Khripach V. A. | The Role of Reactive Oxygen Species and Calcium Ions in the Implementation of the Stress-Protective Effect of Brassinosteroids on Plant Cells | Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology | 2014, Vol. 50, Issue 6, P. 658-663. DOI: 10.1134/S0003683814060076 | Web of Science |
11 | Karpets Yuriy Victorovich Kolupaev Yu. E. Lugovaya A. A. Oboznyi A. I. | Effect of jasmonic acid on the pro-/antioxidant system of wheat coleoptiles as related to hyperthermia tolerance | Russian Journal of Plant Physiology | 2014, Vol. 61, Issue 3, P. 339-346. DOI: 10.1134/S102144371402006X | Web of Science,Scopus |
12 | Stegniy Borys Gerilovych A. Solodiankin O. Arefiev V. Gerilovych I. Goraychuk I. Gema I. | The new PCR-protocol for identification of Salmonella spp. and typing of S. enterica enteritidis, S. enterica typhimurium, S. typhi, S. dublin, S. gallinarum in the food safety system | International Journal of Infectious Diseases | 2014, Vol. 21, P. 339-339. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijid.2014.03.1120 | Web of Science |
13 | Stegniy Borys Gerilovych A. Solodiankin O. Bolotin V. Stegniy A. Muzyka D. Afonso C. | Identification of a new APMV isolate in Ukraine | International Journal of Infectious Diseases | 2014, Vol. 21, P. 448-448. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijid.2014.03.1344 | Web of Science |
14 | Stegniy Borys Gerilovych A. Bolotin V. Solodiankin O. Muzyka D. Afonso C. | Genetic diversity of velogenic Newcastle disease virus isolates from Ukraine | International Journal of Infectious Diseases | 2014, Vol. 21, P. 190-190. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijid.2014.03.817 | Web of Science |
15 | Muzyka D. Pantin-Jackwood M. Stegniy B. Rula O. Bolotin V. Stegniy A. Gerilovych A. Shutchenko P. Stegniy M. Koshelev V. Maiorova K. Tkachenko S. Muzyka N. Usova L. Afonso C. L. | Wild Bird Surveillance for Avian Paramyxoviruses in the Azov-Black Sea Region of Ukraine (2006 to 2011) Reveals Epidemiological Connections with Europe and Africa | Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 2014, Vol. 80, Issue 17, P. 5427-5438. DOI: 10.1128/AEM.00733-14 | Web of Science |
16 | Kosyanchuk L. F. Ignatova T. D. Grishchenko V. K. Bus'ko N. A. Antonenko O. I. Babich O. V. Sil'chenko Yu. A. Maslak Yu. V. Shumskii V. F. | Features of the in situ formation of a linear poly(methyl methacrylate)-crosslinked polyurethane blend in the presence of an oligomeric initiator | Polymer Science Series A | 2014, Vol. 56, Issue 2, P. 173-183. DOI: 10.1134/S0965545X14020072 | Web of Science |
17 | Paddison J. Stewart R. Gutmann M. Keen D. Petrenko Oleksandr Goodwin A. | Empirical Magnetic Structure Solution of Frustrated Spin Systems | Acta Crystallographica A-Foundation and Advances | 2014, Vol. 70, P. C1544-C1544 DOI: 10.1107/S2053273314084551 | Web of Science |
18 | Павлюк Р. Ю. Погарська Вікторія Вадимівна Бессараб О. С. Балабай К. С. Борисова А. О. Лосєва Світлана Михайлівна | Розробка нанотехнології дрібнодисперсних добавок з використанням кріомеханічної модифікації | Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий | 2014, № 6/10 (72), С. 54-58 DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2014.32607 | Scopus |
19 | Павлюк Р. Ю. Погарская Виктория Вадимовна Абрамова Т. С. Берестовая А. А. Лосева Светлана Михайловна | Разработка функциональных оздоровительных нанонапитков на основе молочной сыворотки | Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий | 2014, № 6/10 (72), С. 59-64 DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2014.31592 | Scopus |
20 | Pogozhikh Mykola Pak Andrey Pak Alina Zherebkin Maxim | Influence of motion parameters of the drying agent on kinetics of mixed heat transfer drying | Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies | 2014, Vol. 2, Issue 12, P. 4-8 DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2014.23715 | Scopus |
21 | Pogozhikh Mykola Pak Andrey Chekanov M. Ishtvan Egor Pavliuk Igor | Researches of system water of food raw materials by thermodynamic and molecular-kinetic methods | Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies | 2014, Vol. 5, Issue 11, P. 42-46 DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2014.27790 | Scopus |
22 | Yancheva Marina Dromenko Olena Potapov Volodymyr Grinchenko Olga | Influence of emulsion systems of cryoprotective action on thermophysical properties of meat systems | Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies | 2014, Vol. 3, Issue 10, P. 34-39 DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2014.24867 | Scopus |
23 | Kolupaev Yu. E. Karpets Yuriy Victorovich | Reactive oxygen species and stress signaling in plants | Ukrainian Biochemical Journal | 2014, Vol. 86, Issue 4, P. 18-35 DOI: 10.15407/ubj86.04.018 | Scopus |
24 | Shigimaga Victor | Measurements of the Capacitance of a Biological Cell by a Pulse Method | Measurement Techniques | 2014, Vol. 57, Issue 2, P. 213-217 DOI: 10.1007/s11018-014-0433-0 | Web of Science,Scopus |
25 | Samokhvalova Olga Kasabova Kateryna Oliinyk Svitlana | Influence of enriching additives on pastry structure formation and baked muffins | Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies | 2014, Vol. 1, Issue 10, P. 32-36 DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2014.20024 | Scopus |
26 | Shanina Olga Lobachova Nadezhda Zverev Viktor | Influence of the transglutaminase enzyme on properties of flour proteins | Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies | 2014, Vol. 5, Issue 11, P. 28-33 DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2014.27573 | Scopus |
27 | Onishchenko Vyacheslav Grynchenko Nataliya Bolshakova Viktoria | Development of protective protein emulsion technology for mechanically deboned poultry meat | Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies | 2014, Vol. 6, Issue 10, P. 50-54 DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2014.30868 | Scopus |
28 | Murlykina Natalia Yancheva Marina | The use of emulsifiers in the technologies of meat products | Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies | 2014, Vol. 6, Issue 10, P. 44-49 DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2014.31368 | Scopus |
29 | Yancheva Marina Zheleva Tatyana Pogozhych Nikolai Hrynchenko Olha | Cryoscopy research of solutions of food ingredients of polisaccharide nature | Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies | 2014, Vol. 2, Issue 12, P. 84-89 DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2014.23513 | Scopus |
30 | Deynichenko Gregoriy Yudicheva O. | Sensory analysis of biofortified pickled peppers | Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies | 2014, Vol. 2, Issue 12, P. 18-24 DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2014.23855 | Scopus |
31 | Kotlyar Oleg Goralchuk Andrii Grinchenko Olga | Influence of formulation ingredients of dry fat semi-finished products for whipping on mechanical strength of foam masses | Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies | 2014, Vol. 3, Issue 10, P. 45-49 DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2014.24662 | Scopus |
32 | Tymchuk Sergiy Katyukha Igor | Development of regression coefficient selection quality criterion in power consumption forecasting problems | Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies | 2014, Vol. 5, Issue 8, P. 16-20 DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2014.27664 | Scopus |
33 | Zhuchenko Oleksii Anikeev Aleksandr | Research of control system of polymeric extrusion process under conditions of disturbances | Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies | 2014, Vol. 4, Issue 2, P. 37-41 DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2014.26194 | Scopus |
34 | Rubchevskiy V. N. Gaidaenko A. S. Chernyshov Yu. A. Podlubnyy A. V. Tkalich G. M. Zhuravsky A. A. Toryanik E. I. Fedorova S. V. Sinyaeva O. V. | Analysis of data from a passive industrial experiment | Coke and Chemistry | 2014, Vol. 57, Issue 4, P. 177-181 DOI: 10.3103/S1068364X14040073 | Scopus |
35 | Tovma Lidiya Goralchuk Andrey Grinchenko Olga | Stabilization of air-nut semi-product structure by surfactants | Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies | 2014, Vol. 1, Issue 10, P. 48-53 DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2014.20069 | Scopus |
36 | Myronenko Liliya Krychkovska L. Olishevskyi V. Marynin A. | Influence of carbon-bearing raw material on microfungus Blakeslea Trispora biomass producing | Ukrainian Food Journal | 2014, Vol. 3, Issue 3, P. 422-428 | Web of Science |
37 | Golovko Mykola Gubin-Vakulik G. Penkina Nataliia Kolesnyk Victoria | The histological features of rat liver during refueling animals ethanol solution with additives | Ukrainian Food Journal | 2014, Vol. 3, Issue 4, P. 534-539 | Web of Science |
38 | Kotlyar Oleg Goralchuk Andrii Grynchenko Olga Riabets O. | Discourse of the form and concentration of surfactants to ensure the sustainability foam-emulsive products | Ukrainian Food Journal | 2014, Vol. 3, Issue 3, P. 361-371 | Web of Science |