Перегляд публікацій авторів ДБТУ в Scopus, WoS за роками

Перелік публікацій науково-педагогічних працівників ДБТУ за 2014 р. у журналах, які індексуються у Scopus або Web of Science

(станом на 10.02.2025 р.)

Автор(и) Назва роботи назва видання Том, номер (випуск), перша-остання сторінки роботи, веб-посилання, в яких базах індексована У яких базах індексується
1 Grabar Natalia
Sokolovskaya T.
The Information Culture and the Development of Personal Information Requirements Scientificand Technical Information Processing 2014, Vol. 41, № 2, P. 73-80
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3103/S0147688214020038
Web of Science
2 Romanenko N.
Nazarenko M.
Kornienko V.
Samura B.
Pakhomova O.
Synthesis and Physicochemical and Biological Properties of 8-Amino-Substituted 7-(2-Aryl-2-Oxoethyl)Xanthines PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY JOURNAL 2014, Vol. 48, Issue 8, P. 509-512.
DOI: 10.1007/s11094-014-1142-3
Web of Science
3 Shurduk Inna
Serik M.
Antonenko Svitlana
Fedak Natalia
Effect of protein and mineral additive on consumer characteristics of meat emulsion products Ukrainian Food Journal 2014, Vol. 3, № 4, P. 524-533 Web of Science
4 Bakirov M.
Golovko Mykola
Serik M.
Golovko Tetiana
Content iodine in sauces of type emulsion Ukrainian Food Journal 2014, № 3(4), P. 243-249 Web of Science
5 Golovko Mykola
Serik M.
Golovko Tetiana
Polupan V.
Micro structural characteristics of minced meat products from use of protein-mineral additive Ukrainian food journal 2014, Vol. 3, № 2, P. 236-242 Web of Science
6 Khomenko Olga
Passionate Friendship: the aesthetics of girls' culture in Japan Womens History Review 2014, Vol. 23, Issue 1, P. 153-155.
DOI: 10.1080/09612025.2013.803771
Web of Science
7 Lorincz Peter
Lakatos Zsolt
Maruzs Tamas
Szatmari Zsuzsanna
Kis Viktor
Sass Miklos
Atg6/UVRAG/Vps34-Containing Lipid Kinase Complex Is Required for Receptor Downregulation through Endolysosomal Degradation and Epithelial Polarity during Drosophila Wing Developmentd Biomed Research International 2014, Vol. 2014
DOI: 10.1155/2014/851349
Web of Science
8 Szatmari Zsuzsanna
Kis Viktor
Lippai Monika
Hegedus Krisztina
Farago Tamas
Lorincz Peter
Tanaka Tsubasa
Juhasz Gabor
Sass Miklos
Rab11 facilitates cross-talk between autophagy and endosomal pathway through regulation of Hook localization Molecular Biology of the Cell 2014, Vol. 25, Issue 4, P. 522-531.
DOI: 10.1091/mbc.E13-10-0574
Web of Science
9 Kovacs Gabor G.
Breydo Leonid
Green Ryan
Kis Viktor
Puska Gina
Loerincz Peter
Perju-Dumbrava Laura
Giera Regin
Pirker Walter
Lutz Mirjam
Lachmann Ingolf
Budka Herbert
Uversky Vladimir N.
Molnar Kinga
Laszlo Lajos
Intracellular processing of disease-associated alpha-synuclein in the human brain suggests prion-like cell-to-cell spread Neurobiology of Disease 2014, Vol. 69, P. 76-92.
DOI: 10.1016/j.nbd.2014.05.020
Web of Science
10 Kolupaev Yu. E.
Vayner A. A.
Yastreb T. O.
Oboznyi A. I.
Khripach V. A.
The Role of Reactive Oxygen Species and Calcium Ions in the Implementation of the Stress-Protective Effect of Brassinosteroids on Plant Cells Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology 2014, Vol. 50, Issue 6, P. 658-663.
DOI: 10.1134/S0003683814060076
Web of Science
11 Karpets Yuriy Victorovich
Kolupaev Yu. E.
Lugovaya A. A.
Oboznyi A. I.
Effect of jasmonic acid on the pro-/antioxidant system of wheat coleoptiles as related to hyperthermia tolerance Russian Journal of Plant Physiology 2014, Vol. 61, Issue 3, P. 339-346.
DOI: 10.1134/S102144371402006X
Web of Science,Scopus
12 Stegniy Borys
Gerilovych A.
Solodiankin O.
Arefiev V.
Gerilovych I.
Goraychuk I.
Gema I.
The new PCR-protocol for identification of Salmonella spp. and typing of S. enterica enteritidis, S. enterica typhimurium, S. typhi, S. dublin, S. gallinarum in the food safety system International Journal of Infectious Diseases 2014, Vol. 21, P. 339-339.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijid.2014.03.1120
Web of Science
13 Stegniy Borys
Gerilovych A.
Solodiankin O.
Bolotin V.
Stegniy A.
Muzyka D.
Afonso C.
Identification of a new APMV isolate in Ukraine International Journal of Infectious Diseases 2014, Vol. 21, P. 448-448.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijid.2014.03.1344
Web of Science
14 Stegniy Borys
Gerilovych A.
Bolotin V.
Solodiankin O.
Muzyka D.
Afonso C.
Genetic diversity of velogenic Newcastle disease virus isolates from Ukraine International Journal of Infectious Diseases 2014, Vol. 21, P. 190-190.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijid.2014.03.817
Web of Science
15 Muzyka D.
Pantin-Jackwood M.
Stegniy B.
Rula O.
Bolotin V.
Stegniy A.
Gerilovych A.
Shutchenko P.
Stegniy M.
Koshelev V.
Maiorova K.
Tkachenko S.
Muzyka N.
Usova L.
Afonso C. L.
Wild Bird Surveillance for Avian Paramyxoviruses in the Azov-Black Sea Region of Ukraine (2006 to 2011) Reveals Epidemiological Connections with Europe and Africa Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2014, Vol. 80, Issue 17, P. 5427-5438.
DOI: 10.1128/AEM.00733-14
Web of Science
16 Kosyanchuk L. F.
Ignatova T. D.
Grishchenko V. K.
Bus'ko N. A.
Antonenko O. I.
Babich O. V.
Sil'chenko Yu. A.
Maslak Yu. V.
Shumskii V. F.
Features of the in situ formation of a linear poly(methyl methacrylate)-crosslinked polyurethane blend in the presence of an oligomeric initiator Polymer Science Series A 2014, Vol. 56, Issue 2, P. 173-183.
DOI: 10.1134/S0965545X14020072
Web of Science
17 Paddison J.
Stewart R.
Gutmann M.
Keen D.
Petrenko Oleksandr
Goodwin A.
Empirical Magnetic Structure Solution of Frustrated Spin Systems Acta Crystallographica A-Foundation and Advances 2014, Vol. 70, P. C1544-C1544
DOI: 10.1107/S2053273314084551
Web of Science
18 Павлюк Р. Ю.
Погарська Вікторія Вадимівна
Бессараб О. С.
Балабай К. С.
Борисова А. О.
Лосєва Світлана Михайлівна
Розробка нанотехнології дрібнодисперсних добавок з використанням кріомеханічної модифікації Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий 2014, № 6/10 (72), С. 54-58
DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2014.32607
19 Павлюк Р. Ю.
Погарская Виктория Вадимовна
Абрамова Т. С.
Берестовая А. А.
Лосева Светлана Михайловна
Разработка функциональных оздоровительных нанонапитков на основе молочной сыворотки Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий 2014, № 6/10 (72), С. 59-64
DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2014.31592
20 Pogozhikh Mykola
Pak Andrey
Pak Alina
Zherebkin Maxim
Influence of motion parameters of the drying agent on kinetics of mixed heat transfer drying Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2014, Vol. 2, Issue 12, P. 4-8
DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2014.23715
21 Pogozhikh Mykola
Pak Andrey
Chekanov M.
Ishtvan Egor
Pavliuk Igor
Researches of system water of food raw materials by thermodynamic and molecular-kinetic methods Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2014, Vol. 5, Issue 11, P. 42-46
DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2014.27790
22 Yancheva Marina
Dromenko Olena
Potapov Volodymyr
Grinchenko Olga
Influence of emulsion systems of cryoprotective action on thermophysical properties of meat systems Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2014, Vol. 3, Issue 10, P. 34-39
DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2014.24867
23 Kolupaev Yu. E.
Karpets Yuriy Victorovich
Reactive oxygen species and stress signaling in plants Ukrainian Biochemical Journal 2014, Vol. 86, Issue 4, P. 18-35
DOI: 10.15407/ubj86.04.018
24 Shigimaga Victor
Measurements of the Capacitance of a Biological Cell by a Pulse Method Measurement Techniques 2014, Vol. 57, Issue 2, P. 213-217
DOI: 10.1007/s11018-014-0433-0
Web of Science,Scopus
25 Samokhvalova Olga
Kasabova Kateryna
Oliinyk Svitlana
Influence of enriching additives on pastry structure formation and baked muffins Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2014, Vol. 1, Issue 10, P. 32-36
DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2014.20024
26 Shanina Olga
Lobachova Nadezhda
Zverev Viktor
Influence of the transglutaminase enzyme on properties of flour proteins Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2014, Vol. 5, Issue 11, P. 28-33
DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2014.27573
27 Onishchenko Vyacheslav
Grynchenko Nataliya
Bolshakova Viktoria
Development of protective protein emulsion technology for mechanically deboned poultry meat Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2014, Vol. 6, Issue 10, P. 50-54
DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2014.30868
28 Murlykina Natalia
Yancheva Marina
The use of emulsifiers in the technologies of meat products Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2014, Vol. 6, Issue 10, P. 44-49
DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2014.31368
29 Yancheva Marina
Zheleva Tatyana
Pogozhych Nikolai
Hrynchenko Olha
Cryoscopy research of solutions of food ingredients of polisaccharide nature Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2014, Vol. 2, Issue 12, P. 84-89
DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2014.23513
30 Deynichenko Gregoriy
Yudicheva O.
Sensory analysis of biofortified pickled peppers Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2014, Vol. 2, Issue 12, P. 18-24
DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2014.23855
31 Kotlyar Oleg
Goralchuk Andrii
Grinchenko Olga
Influence of formulation ingredients of dry fat semi-finished products for whipping on mechanical strength of foam masses Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2014, Vol. 3, Issue 10, P. 45-49
DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2014.24662
32 Tymchuk Sergiy
Katyukha Igor
Development of regression coefficient selection quality criterion in power consumption forecasting problems Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2014, Vol. 5, Issue 8, P. 16-20
DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2014.27664
33 Zhuchenko Oleksii
Anikeev Aleksandr
Research of control system of polymeric extrusion process under conditions of disturbances Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2014, Vol. 4, Issue 2, P. 37-41
DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2014.26194
34 Rubchevskiy V. N.
Gaidaenko A. S.
Chernyshov Yu. A.
Podlubnyy A. V.
Tkalich G. M.
Zhuravsky A. A.
Toryanik E. I.
Fedorova S. V.
Sinyaeva O. V.
Analysis of data from a passive industrial experiment Coke and Chemistry 2014, Vol. 57, Issue 4, P. 177-181
DOI: 10.3103/S1068364X14040073
35 Tovma Lidiya
Goralchuk Andrey
Grinchenko Olga
Stabilization of air-nut semi-product structure by surfactants Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2014, Vol. 1, Issue 10, P. 48-53
DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2014.20069
36 Myronenko Liliya
Krychkovska L.
Olishevskyi V.
Marynin A.
Influence of carbon-bearing raw material on microfungus Blakeslea Trispora biomass producing Ukrainian Food Journal 2014, Vol. 3, Issue 3, P. 422-428 Web of Science
37 Golovko Mykola
Gubin-Vakulik G.
Penkina Nataliia
Kolesnyk Victoria
The histological features of rat liver during refueling animals ethanol solution with additives Ukrainian Food Journal 2014, Vol. 3, Issue 4, P. 534-539 Web of Science
38 Kotlyar Oleg
Goralchuk Andrii
Grynchenko Olga
Riabets O.
Discourse of the form and concentration of surfactants to ensure the sustainability foam-emulsive products Ukrainian Food Journal 2014, Vol. 3, Issue 3, P. 361-371 Web of Science