Study of mass losses of cauliflower at storage depending on a packing way technique [Text] / L. Pusik, V. Puzik, V. Vlasovets, N. Lyubymova, L. Gayova, A. Rozhkov, I. Safronska, O. Romanashenko, Y. Kryshtop, E. Gryn //
Eureca: Life Science. - 2019. - № 2. - P. 3-11.. Доп. точки доступа: Pusik, L. Puzik, V. Vlasovets, V. Lyubymova, N. Gayova, Ludmila Rozhkov, Artur Safronska, I. Romanashenko, O. Kryshtop, Y. Gryn, E.