Ensuring the welfare of animals used for scientific purposes and their protection against animal cruelty in the legal framework of the European Union and Ukraine [Text] / I. Yatsenko, O. Kliuiev, O. Uhrovetskyi, E. Simakova-Yefremian, L. Derecha, H. Smyrnov, V. Nedosekov, O. Parylovskyi //
German International Journal of Modern Science. - 2021. - № 6 (2). - P. 57-66. Доп. точки доступа: Yatsenko, I. Kliuiev, O. Uhrovetskyi, O. Simakova-Yefremian, E. Derecha, L. Smyrnov, H. Nedosekov, V. Parylovskyi, Oleksandr