Morphological and biological characteristics of Amidostomum anseris (Nematoda, Amidostomatidae) from Anser anser domesticus [Electronic resource] / V. А. Yevstafieva, V. V. Stybel, V. V. Melnychuk, O. B. Prijma, Ivan Yatsenko, A. A. Antipov, T. I. Bakhur, V. P. Goncharenko, R. V. Pidborska, V. S. Shahanenko, V. I. Dzhmil //
Vestnik Zoologii. - 2019. - Vol. 53, Issue 1. - С. 65-74.. - DOI 10.2478/vzoo-2019-0007. Рубрики: Scopus
Доп. точки доступа: Yevstafieva, V. А. Stybel, V. V. Melnychuk, V. V. Prijma, O. B. Yatsenko, Ivan Antipov, A. A. Bakhur, T. I. Goncharenko, V. P. Pidborska, R. V. Shahanenko, V. S. Dzhmil, V. I. , Переход по DOI