Картка конкретного документа. Це тимчасовиї текст

Methodological instructions for performing a term paper «Case history» [Electronic resource] : for fifth-year students of the discipline «Veterinary parasitology» for fourth-year students (Second education) of the discipline «Parasitology and invasive diseases of animals» in specialty 211 – Veterinary Medicine / Kharkiv state zooveterinary academy ; Yu. О. Prykhodko, О. V. Nikiforova, O. V. Mazanny, O. V. Fedorova. - Kharkiv : [without seeing], . - 22 p. - Режим доступа: ; https://repo.btu.kharkov.ua//handle/123456789/4230 (Репозітарій). - Б. ц.

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